Childbirth Prep | Coping with Labor | VBAC | Cesarean
Baby Care | Infant Safety & CPR Classes
Class Includes:
Anatomy of pregnancy and pregnancy changes
Stages of Labor
Breathing techniques
Supporting your partner
The psychological side of labor/birth
When to go to the hospital
What to bring
Birth preference (plan) development
Your hospital team - whose there?
Doctor vs Midwife? What's the difference?
How to talk to your team & make an informed decision
Setting realistic expectations for safety in the hospital setting
Fetal Monitoring
Induction of labor
Breaking the water
Birth Plans
Forceps/Vacuum Delivery
IV pain medication
Nitrous Oxide
Why do some women need a Cesarean Birth?
Process, Recovery from a Cesarean Birth
Postpartum Mood
The Family Way Book (in-person only),
Exclusive Birth Plan, Hospital Packing List
& Stages Labor Cheat Sheet
"Don't stress. I'll talk you through everything. I would be honored to join you on this important journey and bundle you with love, education, support and confidence by setting a strong foundation of knowledge from an expert you can trust."

You’re invited to an exclusive childbirth learning experience! Sarah Lavonne pours her heart, soul and expertise as a Board-Certified Labor & Delivery Nurse, Certified Childbirth Educator and Birth Doula to bring you a fun, easy-going, and super informative class. No topic or question is off limits! Grow in your knowledge, confidence and skills for your labor, birth, and postpartum!
Great for first-time moms/dads OR for moms/dads that have had a baby before, but would like a refresher on what's to come! Cozy up with some yummy snacks, partner or support team and grow in confidence together as she walks you through everything there is to know about normal, natural labor and birth, variations of normal, what to expect in the hospital, and what happens after!
Class is 6 hrs done privately, 1:1 either in-person or virtually. Included in Birth Coaching &VIP Bundle
decreasing fear & anxiety,
increasing CONFIDENCE
Class Bundle Includes:
Essential tips to coping with labor​
Partner support- what do you do??
Positions for labor
Tips for keeping labor going
Communication tips with partner/team
Use of birth ball, other "props"
How to adapt to the hospital setting
Creating a labor mood
Counter pressure techniques
Psychological side of labor
Birth Affirmations
"Drawer of Tricks" Coping Cheat Sheet
summarizing the class
Positioning for Labor Handout
Breathing/Relaxation audio tracks
Spend customized time learning hands-on techniques, breathing, relaxation on how to cope with and support your partner in labor.
Partners this one’s for you!!
You are essential to her birth experience! Let me help you help her.
Class is 2.5 hours and offered 1:1 privately or online only. ​ Included in VIP Bundle & Birth Coaching. To schedule a live, one-on-one session, please contact me here.

What are you taking away from this VBAC class?
"So much helpful info"
"Knowledge, confidence, comfort"
"I feel so much better & that I can make a wise decision "
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Class
Interested in possibly having a vaginal birth after you've had a cesarean birth?
Learn why it is NOT "once a cesarean, always a cesarean" and how to make an informed choice about your next birth. Class includes risks/benefits (what are the real numbers) and what to expect for birth in the hospital setting.
Class is 3 hours and offered live either online or in-person only. ​
Class Includes:
Why do women have a cesarean?
Discussion of previous birth - birth processing component
Empowering you for this next delivery
Why do we care about VBAC?
How to weigh your options
What makes you more or less likely to have a vaginal birth
What are the risks?
What are the benefits?
What does the experience look like/how does it compare to someone who has not had a cesarean before?
How to prepare
Realistic expectations including pushing and delivery
VBAC Stats, BundleBirth's Birth Plan & Hospital
Packing List included

Comments About the Class?
"She's extremely knowledgeable, patient, positive and for the first time got me excited to go through labor"
"This class was MADE because of the teacher"
"The environment was inviting, calming and homelike"
"All of my questions were answered"
You Got THIS!

Having a newborn can feel super overwhelming! Especially if you haven't spent much time around babies, there's a lot to learn, but once you learn it, it's easy! Learn all the basics, expert tips, safety advice and get all your questions answered about how to care for your newborn.
Class is 3 hours and offered live, in-person only. ​
Class Includes:​
Picking up, holding and passing baby
Baby wearing
Safety tips
Environmental concerns
Normal expectations for appearance of newborn
When to call your pediatrician
and more!
BONUS: Milestone & Safe Sleep Info
Any Feedback for Sarah?
"She's knowledgable & fun. Very relatable."
"This class exceeded my expectations & I feel so much more prepared for my baby. Sarah is energetic, sympathetic & assuring. I learned way more than I thought I would."
"You have a perfect balance of energy, honesty, knowledge & support"
Planning a Cesarean Birth? This is the class for you!
Learn all you need to know about how to prepare for, how to make the most of, what your options are and what to expect for your birth.
Class is 3 hours and offered live either online or in-person only. ​
Class Includes:​​
Why do some women have a cesarean?
How to prepare for your cesarean
What to pack
Unique birth preference list
Walk-through of what happens in hospital
Surgery process (animated not real)
Going home with baby
Normal expectations for recovery