Are you a birth worker or doula and wish you had more tools & strategies to help your clients achieve a vaginal birth? We've all seen the "experienced" nurse pull tricks out of their hats to help get the baby lower or help get the patient to complete... but has anyone ever taught you how and why they work? What about malpositions? Do you know how to strategically get the baby rotated? We got you! We believe that YOU make a huge impact on the patients you care for and deserve to have all the tools to help give them the best labor experience possible, with the best outcomes.
We are committed to helping you learn in a fun, interactive way that gives you practical tools you can apply TOMORROW with your clients!
This workshop will provide you with 8 CEs from the California BRN that may apply to your doula certification.
Sign up NOW for this ONE & ONLY training for birth workers
Feb 28, 2023 - 8am-4pm PST
Tickets are first-come, first-serve and sell out quickly. Attend online with a friend by both purchasing tickets and learning together!
Needs-based application available HERE
Identify the hormones of labor and how they contribute to physiologic birth.
Discuss the importance of the maternal pelvis, pelvic floor, ligaments, uterine muscle, and cardinal movements of the fetus, how they work together and how they facilitate physiologic birth.
Compare maternal positions and movements during labor and how they facilitate the descent of the fetus.
Display proper use of various birth props such as (but not limited to) sheet, birth ball, and peanut ball.
Predict and identify fetal malpositions and how the RN can actively respond to facilitate optimal fetal positioning.
Demonstrate therapeutic communication techniques between the nurse, provider and patient when encouraging a physiologic birth intervention.
Explain how understanding and pursuing physiologic birth can decrease cesarean birth rates and maternal morbidity/mortality.
Integrate 3 new techniques into practice.
Physiologic Birth Workshop
This 8-hour workshop is designed for birth doulas working & practicing in the inpatient hospital setting. It will provide information necessary to help promote physiologic birth and/or interact with various labor patterns/interruptions through nonpharmacological options. This course promotes birth as a normal, physiologic process for the majority of birthing people, but recognizes that there are common interruptions in the birth process that can have an impact on the ultimate mode of delivery. Upon successful completion of the workshop, the participant will be able to support and better facilitate physiologic birth to meet the desires of the laboring people and accomplish a vaginal birth.
This workshop will be presented through multiple activities, hands-on practice, lecture, visuals, models and discussion.
Training includes workbook + other fun supplies (sent via snail mail) to help assist your learning!
Make sure you wear comfy clothes! Consider signing up with a buddy and take the class together so you can practice with each other!
Some topics we will cover: Anatomy/physiology of physiologic birth, supporting hormones of labor, pelvic floor, the pelvis, strategic positions for labor, asynclitism, OP, labor dystocia, arrest of descent, trauma-informed care, legal/ethics, closed- knee pushing, case studies and therapeutic communication strategies for working with the hospital team.
Meet your Bundle Birth Team
Sarah Lavonne
- Your Instructor
Founder, CEO of Bundle Birth
I believe that we, as birth workers, can change the world. I believe that we hold the power to make or break a woman's (and her partner) birth experience. My dream is to provide the nursing education and support that empower you to be the best you can be. I want you to love going to work - you work so hard, sometimes you need someone to remind you who you are, and give you some practical tools to help you feel more confident and empowered to live out your calling.
I have held various nursing roles, from floor nurse to peer mentor (educating and mentoring nurses as they came off orientation), childbirth educator, to manager... I felt my impact had been exhausted in the hospital setting. So, I created Bundle Birth, A Nursing Corporation to help unite patients, support persons and medical personnel together through education and support.
Justine LeDuc
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Director, Bundle Birth Nurses
I have been obsessed with birth since nursing school and really obsessed with facilitating vaginal births since I spent a month in Tanzania as a nursing student in a Maternity suite. Empowering women during birth is my favorite part of the job. My goal is to provide simple, quick and easy tools that nurses can incorporate into their already busy shift. I hope to inspire nurses to go to work every day feeling as they are making a difference in the lives of the families they are caring for.
Justine is in school to get her Masters in Education. She works at a community hospital in the Inland Empire and is a labor and delivery clinical instructor.